Birch sap
A versatile elixir of life
From nature with love

Birch sap - elixir for health
Birch sap has become increasingly popular as the overall interest in organic and nature-friendly products has grown. It is a nature-given energy drink. The slightly sweet, thin syrup-like liquid contains xylitol, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals, which makes it an ideal drink to cleanse the body and boost your health.
Birch sap is a refreshing drink that has a hint of sweetness that tastes similar to maple syrup but is much more complex.
The health elixir is touted as one of the best juices you can drink because it has restorative and detoxifying properties. Its naturally healthy, sweet, and positive nutritional profile appeals to health-conscious consumers interested in traditional and folk medicine. Birch sap can help boost immunity, fight fatigue, treat arthritis and joint pain. It also acts as an energy or sports boost to prevent migraines.

Six good reasons to use birch sap
1. Decreases Cavities
The consumption of birch water can help you maintain good oral health due to xylitol. The natural sugar can prevent cavities, since some types of decay-causing bacteria cannot use xylitol as a food source. Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that is harvested from birch trees and their sap. Xylitol has been proven to decrease risk of cavities and is a widely-used sugar substitute.
2. Eliminates Cellulite
Birch tree sap contains diuretic properties that help to flush out harmful toxins, uric acid, and excess water from the body. Therefore, it's also thought to help eliminate cellulite from the body.
3. Lowers Cholesterol
Saponin, a compound in birch sap, has been shown to have blood cholesterol-lowering properties. A 1997 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found saponins can lower cholesterol by binding to bile acids and cholesterol. The bile acids form mixed micelles with cholesterol, which facilitates its absorption. Saponins lead to the depletion of body cholesterol by preventing its reabsorption and increasing its excretion.
4. Promotes Liver Health
The sap can also act as a highly-effective detoxifying agent for the liver. It captures and is able to neutralize toxic waste products. It eliminates toxins that only the liver can process such as alcohol, saturated fat, and pesticides, among many others.
5. Promotes Kidney Health
Drinking birch water can benefit the kidneys by eliminating and filtering waste through the urinary tract. It eliminates waste that only the liver can process, such as excess salt, uric acid, phosphates, certain medicines, urea, and ammonia. This helps deeply detoxify the body and can even lead to weight loss.
6. Rejuvenates Skin
Birch water is touted for replenishing the skin and protecting the skin cells. The sap can be used as a wash to improve skin texture and relieve skin problems such as eczema and acne.
Birch sap tapping at Nature Paavola's farm